Same goes with "happiness" in life. Can you have happiness without some peoples having unhappiness and discontent? People think you can achieve happiness by having "enough" money and having there ideal mate. No, I think happiness has a lot to do with just choosing to be happy. I don't deny it does have something to do with love.
A couple things I've been reading lately have mentioned psychoanalysis. I realized recently that I psychoanalyze almost every person that I come across. This leads my thoughts quite often to people's insecurities. Everybody has them. The difference comes when people are secure in their inevitable insecurities and realize that having some are normal.
Is there such a thing as special? Yes, but not everybody is special. This may sound shocking if you have heard often before that everybody is special. see here is the definition for special. If all 7 billion people on earth are special than being special is normal and no longer special. This also brings me to the fact that people say that you are special to God. How can everyone be special to God? If he loves everybody equally is it still love? Can you have love without having hate or disdain in the world? People say everybody should be loving and be loved. If this was the case and everybody reached the ideal levels of love and everyone showed the same amount of love to everybody, would it still be love?
Very inspiring thoughts Charissa, :]!